World Hepatitis Day 2022

World Hepatitis Day 2022

“I can’t wait”

‘I can’t wait’ is the new campaign theme to launch World Hepatitis Day 2022. It will highlight the need to accelerate the fight against viral hepatitis and the importance of testing and treatment for the real people who need it. The campaign will amplify the voices of people affected by viral hepatitis calling for immediate action and the end of stigma and discrimination.
World Hepatitis Day is observed on 28 July every year to create awareness about this condition that affects the liver.
Hepatitis refers to a highly contagious liver infection that causes an inflammation of the liver in which tissues react to irritation or injury which generally results in swelling and pain. This happens due to a variety of infectious viruses and non-infectious agents leading to a range of health problems, some of which can even be fatal.

Types of viral Hepatitis:
There are 5 viruses that can cause viral hepatitis:
Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E: This type of hepatitis is spread by ingesting contaminated food or water. It does not lead to any form of chronic infection and usually has no complications. Therefore, a person can generally recover from this virus within a few months

Hepatitis B- This type of hepatitis usually leads to chronic infection. However, one can carry the virus without feeling sick and can spread it. Hence, it is recommended to get vaccinated to prevent it. It spreads by contaminated needles, contaminated blood transfusion, tattoo, unprotected intercourse and sharing razors.
Hepatitis C- It is one of the most common causes of liver disease and does not show any symptoms. It can further lead to chronic infections and no vaccine has been developed yet to prevent this virus. Mode of spread is similar to hepatitis B.
Hepatitis D- This type of hepatitis only affects people who are already infected by the hepatitis B virus. Therefore, vaccination against hepatitis B can also help prevent this type.
Warning signs
• Urine dark in color
• Stomach pain
• Jaundice
• Low-grade fever
• Loss of appetite
• Fatigue
• Feeling sick
• Aching joints
• Pale or clay-colored stool

While there is no treatment to cure hepatitis A or hepatitis E, they are usually self-remitting. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C can be cured through medication. Apart from maintaining hygiene and sanitization, one must visit a doctor if they have any symptoms of viral hepatitis for better management. Ignorance of symptoms can make the condition worse.
Intimations of viral hepatitis:
• Liver cancer
• Destruction of the liver tissues
• Weakening the immune system
• Liver failure
• Death in certain acute cases

• Get vaccinated for hepatitis A and hepatitis B
• Use protection during sexual intercourse
• Avoid sharing needles
• Maintain good hygiene
• Wash hands with soap regularly
• Avoid using items of an infected person
• Take precautions while getting inked or pierced
• Avoid sharing water or any fluids