COVID-19 in Pakistan: Prevention and control measures in community

COVID-19 in Pakistan: Prevention and control measures in community

COVID-19 in Pakistan: Prevention and control measures in community:

On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a public health emergency of international concern and, in March 2020, began to characterize it as a pandemic in order to emphasize the gravity of the situation and urge all countries to take action in detecting infection and preventing spread.
The virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly from person to person, mainly through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The interim guidance published by the WHO on 7 March 2020, “Responding to community spread of COVID-19,” states that preventing COVID-19 from spreading is through the development of coordination mechanisms not just in health but in areas such as transportation, travel, commerce, finance, security and other sectors which encompasses the entirety of society.
Preventive measures are the current strategy to limit the spread of cases. Early screening, diagnosis, isolation, and treatment are necessary to prevent further spread. Preventive strategies are focused on the isolation of patients and careful infection control, including appropriate measures to be adopted during the diagnosis and the provision of clinical care to an infected patient.

COVID-19 prevention and control measures in community.



Other measures:

Voluntary quarantine(self-quarantine)

Avoiding crowding

Mandatory quarantine
o Private residence
o Hospital
o Public institution
o Others (cruise ships, etc)

Hand hygiene


Personal protective equipment

School measures/closures

Social distancing

Workplace measures/closures


The most important strategy is to maintain hand hygiene i.e. using hand sanitizers and frequently washing hands and avoid contact with their face and mouth after interaction with a possibly contaminated environment to reduce the risk of transmission in the community. Practice respiratory hygiene (i.e., cover their cough), and avoid crowds and close contact with ill individuals.

Social distancing is purely advised, particularly in locations that have community transmission. Moreover, usage of masks, vaccines is also mandatory in order to prevent the spread of the pandemic.